Latex Mattress
L O C A L  D E L I V E R Y  &  T A K E  A W AY  O L D  M A T T R E S S
F A C T O R Y  D I R E C T  P R I C E S:  8 0 0 - 7 2 7 - 1 9 5 4

"Latex is the most comfortable mattress in the World!"

It's Latex.  Don't Miss Out!


Latex Mattress natural beds quality organic mattress natural mattress Latex Mattresses
Natural Mattress Organic Mattresses Latexpedic Logo Natural Mattresses organic beds
Whole natural Talalay Latex Foam Beds Whole Natural Mattress Henry Kraus Organic Mattress best quality latex mattresses
    About Us    
Los Angeles Latex Mattress
Family Owned and Operated Since 1964

1035 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix AZ  800-733-1818 (Phoenix AZ)
907 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank CA  800-233-7382 (Los Angeles)


1035 E. Camelback Ave., Phoenix AZ  800-733-1818
907 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank CA  800-233-7382


Phoenix Latex Mattress


PHOENIX 602-277-0706

1035 E. Camelback Rd.
OrthopedicFirm Mattress
makers of the

Orthopedic Firm

"The Mattress that is Right for your Back!"

BURBANK 800-233-7382

907 N. Hollywood Way

Los Angeles

phoenix orthopedic mattress 
Custom-Made, Latex Mattresses are made for your Whole Body.
We tailer make each mattress to best fit your physiology.
The main priority is SUPPORT:  How you feel when you wake up.
We feel, like you, a good night's sleep is critical to the quality of life.
Give us the opportunity to show you what we do.  It is about healing all night long!

Hand Made One-at-a-Time

Phoenix Organic Mattress  Phoenix Organic Mattresses

Natural Mattress

Organic Mattress

Latex Mattress


"The Mattress that is Right for your Back!"

Phoenix Natural Mattress     

What is Natural Latex

20-Year Warranty

Hand Made One-at-a-Time


"The Mattress that is Right for your Back!"

san bernardino natural organic adjustable bed latex mattress

What is the Right Mattress for your Back?

The mattress that helps you wake up feeling good.

The mattress that helps you get a good night's sleep.

We make a mattress that is just Right for you.

Our staff is knowledgeable and experienced.

Our 60 years of experience

will mean the Right Mattress for You.

Note:  If you want EXTREMEMLY FIRM!!!!!  Please let us know.

(we have 3 mattresses for you to try)

Or Dunlop GOLS Certified Organic Latex

Latex Mattress ILD Ratings
Every Natural Talalay Latex Mattress core comes with the TEST RESULTS
in 9 separate areas on the mattress to assure you are getting the firmness you select

riverside natural organic latex adjustable bed mattresses
Select from Super Plush to Super Firm.
This one above happens to be Soft.
MANY of our customers prefer SOFT.

san bernardino Organic Mattress Store  LA Latex Mattress in Los Angeles Ca.  Anaheim latex mattress store 

6" Latex Mattress

10" Latex Mattress

12" Latex Mattress



"The Mattress that is Right for your Back!"
highest rated organic mattress at the phoenix store 
When you buy an Organic Mattress, compare the Love and Craftsmanship on both the inside and outside.
Our mattresses are not one-sided.  But completely reversible and quilted on both sides.
Each of our mattresses are hand-crafted one-at-a-time.  With a zipper and handles.  20-year warranty.
Whole Natural Mattress 

Custom Made Latex Mattresses Made Here

Milk from the Rubber Tree



Los Angeles CA


Orthopedic Firm Mattress

makers of

"The Mattress that is Right for your Back!"


Adjustable Beds | Latex Mattress

Bariatric Beds | Latex Mattress

Hospital Beds | Latex Mattress

Select an Organic Mattress for your adjustable bed.  We have 3 different models; each available in Soft, Regular Firm, Extra Firm and Ultra Firm. Select an Organic Mattress for your heavy Duty Extra Wide Large Bariatric Bed.  We have 3 different models; each available in Soft, Regular Firm, Extra Firm and Ultra Firm. Best selection of organic mattresses for your 3 motor fully electric high-low hospital beds:  Compare many different models: Flex-A-Bed, Supernal, Applied Sleep, Tuffcare and Dawn House.

Natural Mattresses

Organic Mattresses

Latex Mattresses

Natural Talalay Mattresses are made with 3 ingredients: Wool, Cotton and Latex. Our Natural Mattresses are hand-made one-at-a-time. 20-year warranty. Our organic mattresses are made by GOLS and GOTS Global Organic Latex Standards and Global Organic Textile Standards.  20-year warranty. Our Latex Mattresses go through the 8-step Talalay Process; which have the industry's highest overall ratings for durability, consistency, pressure-relief, breathability and support.



Certified Organic

Global Organic Latex Standards. No fertilizers or pesticides.  Most mattresses today have 100% synthetic material inside. Global Organic Textile Standards.  Organic Cotton and Wool.  Most mattresses today use 100% synthetic materials for quilting. The Dunlop Process that comes with a certification that no pesticides or fertilizers are used in the making of the Latex.

Completely Reversible

Quilted on Both Sides


Most mattresses made today are one-sided.  Completely reversible mattresses allow you to flip the mattress upside down; and also from front to back. Most mattresses built today are only quilted on one side.  Mattresses are quilted on both sides to give everything even wear. To make the mattress easily flipable.


Fire Retardant

Local Stores

European design that allows for each exchanging of material inside.  Most mattresses today have chemical fire retardants that are very toxic.  Wool acts as a natural fire barrier. Most mattresses today have a heavy duty amount of glue.  This is not what we do. 

PHOENIX 602-277-0706

1035 E. Camelback Rd.

Phoenix AZ

makers of


"The Mattress that is Right for your Back!"
BURBANK 800-233-7382

907 N. Hollywood Way

Los Angeles

About Us


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